Category Political Repression

Diversity of Tactics in the Civil Rights Movement 1963-1964

As the mainstream media presents its sanitized retrospective of the movement in this era of civil rights anniversaries, join Lorenzo Raymond for a reclamation of People’s history and a salute to the mass militancy that changed America.

How Nonviolent Was the Civil Rights Movement? (21 Quotations)

Above: Birmingham police injured by rocks thrown by protesters, May 7, 1963 (AP Photo)  “My dream has become a nightmare,” Martin Luther King said in 1967, as a government he’d hoped could end racism and poverty instead escalated towards genocide in Vietnam.  Protesters in America would need to flirt with guerilla warfare before that particular nightmare […]

Talking Transition and Strategy

While Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio wooed Manhattan liberals with his Duarte Square “Transition Tent”, the city’s dispossessed know that progress will never appear as an option on a public ballot. As fantastic as the end of Stop-and-Frisk, universal Pre-K, the decriminalization of marijuana, or whatever else the former pro-Sandinista had in mind, these are likely […]

Free Jerry, Spread Anarchy

To be present together, in this miserable city, to gather, out in the cold, to demonstrate, outside of this horrific building, against this attempt, to correct all those who reject the laws of the metropole; to be a nuisance, to cause a scene, to disrupt, or prevent, or block this non-life which flows all around […]

No Murderers As Teachers

Those brave enough to prick their pins in the inflated arrogance of these murders must be prepared for the absurd, howling reaction of the collaborationists: Brutalizing and criminalizing with the ultimate intent of silencing the voices and deadening the nerves that cry out.

Discussion on Resisting Repression & Supporting Political Prisoners

Please join us for a follow-up discussion to our July 1st event, “On Jerry Koch, some stories of Political Repression, and Resistance“. In July we were joined by Tarik Haskins, Dequi Kioni-Sadiki, and Bob Lederer. For this event we’ve invited Eve Rosahn, Cisco Torres, and Laura Whitehorn, who will share their analyses and experiences in […]

The People Want the Fall of the Regime: Update from Tunisia

1. A brief summary of Tunisia’s recent political history: The Constitutional Democratic Rally was the ruling party in Tunisia dating from the country’s independence from France in 1956, all the way until the insurrection in January 2011, when it was overthrown and dissolved. Habib Bourguiba (1903-2000) was Tunisia’s first President, in power from 1956 until […]

Monday: On Jerry Koch, some stories of Political Repression, and Resistance

Monday — 07.01.13 — On Jerry Koch, some stories of Political Repression, and Resistance Contents: 0. On Jerry Koch, some stories of Political Repression, and Resistance 1. About this Monday 2. Two statements by Jerry Koch on grand juries 3. Bob Lederer on grand juries (1985) 4. Our guests: Tarik “Gunnie” Haskins, Bob Lederer, Dequi […]

The G20 Five and an Interview with Guelph Anarchist Black Cross

Our comrade Dane Rossman is currently locked up at Toronto West Detention Centre in Ontario, Canada. Dane was extradited June 14th, after being held without bail since February 21st at the Central Arizona Detention Center in Florence, Arizona. Another comrade, Joel Bitar, is currently free on bail in New York, awaiting the start of his […]

Pacifism and the Coma of Occupy

Watching the heart wrenching scenes of resistance, repression, and mass rebellion in both Turkey and Brazil this month is a bittersweet, and in some ways shameful, experience. For an American, it can only bring to mind the Occupy moment of two years ago – the moment that was torn away from us, and that we failed to muster any similar courage to defend.

Wednesday: Beyond Good and Evil (for Jerry)

We will gather tomorrow at 7pm at Prospect Park to discuss the first part of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil, “On the Prejudices of Philosophers”, which is about 23 pages. We invite any and all to join us to discuss Jerry’s and our situation, Nietzsche, and whatever else. We will give ourselves some time Wednesday to write notes to Jerry, to share some thoughts with him, and ask him what the fuck is up with Nietzsche, anyway?

Tonight: From Jerry Koch to Assata Shakur: Legacies of Political Repression

We’ll be attending a political prisoner letter-writing potluck tonight at the Guillermo Morales/Assata Shakur Community & Student Center at the City College of New York (CCNY).

We hope to share information about our comrade Jerry Koch, and connect with other radical organizers in New York City doing support work for long-term political prisoners.

Fuck a Grand Jury: Free Jerry Koch

A support zine for NYC political prisoner Jerry Koch, collecting his statements on resisting the grand jury, messages from the support committee, our solidarity statement, and letter writing guidelines. Download | Print

A statement of solidarity with Jerry Koch following his imprisonment, and a message to our fellow militants in New York

In the last two weeks we have watched as the state has shamelessly taken our comrade Jerry Koch away from his family, loved ones, and political allies. Jerry has chosen to resist the grand jury not only out of principle and an assertion of his rights, but also to protect the radical milieu from further […]

Political Prisoner Letter Writing

UPDATED: April 6th, 2013 GUIDELINES FOR WRITING PRISONERS Use pencil or non-gel pen in blue or black ink. No staples or glitter. No torn-out pages of newspapers or magazines. You can print or photocopy articles and write your letter on the other side, however. You can include photographs, but some prisoners have a limit to […]